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Aerial troon
Conservation status
Least Concern
Scientific classification
Kingdom Fungi
Phylum Shroomus
Class Fungodenturus
Order Troonei
Family Troons
Genus Troonus
Species T. Aerialis
General statistics
Mean Height 5cm
Mean Weight 20g
Mean Edibility 2/10
Mean Danger 8/10

The aerial troon (T. aerialis) is a type of troon that is so light that it floats. It lives in the air currents that shoot through the atmosphere. It preys predominantly on birds and airborne bacteria, but will also eat insects and aeroplanes.


The troon has many hollow pockets within its stalk, and much of its hood is filled with helium gas. One side of the troon has a slightly rougher texture than the other side, which means that by rotating subtly the troon is able to alter its path through the air.


Colonies of Aerial Troons consist of up to 400,000 individual Troons biting onto one another, and forming a hollow ball about 10 meters in diameter, with an opening at the top. This sphere is inhabited by about 1,000,000 more Aerial Troons, which go out & collect food for the others.

Cyclonal Colonies[]

Colonies of Aerial Troons are often swept by the winds of a hurricane into its center or eye. They will then prey on all of the other things swept into the eye, until the storm exhausts itself. These colonies are known as Cyclonal Colonies.
